'; $("#WarehouseValue" + warehouse.WarehouseCode).html(whseValue); } //$("#WarehouseValue" + warehouse.WarehouseCode).html(`${warehouse.StockMessage} ${mainProduct.UnitOfMeasure} - ${warehouse.BaseQuantityMessage}`); } } else { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).html(mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].StockMessage); } } else { if (mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].Quantity > 0) { if ($("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).length > 0) { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).parent()[0].style = ''; if (ShowQuantityMessage() == true) { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).html('In Stock'); } else { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).html(mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].Quantity); } } } else { if (ShowQuantityMessage() == true) { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).html(GetOutOfStockMessage(mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].StockMessage)); } else { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).html('0'); if (IsCarlin() == true) { $("#WarehouseValue" + mainProduct.Warehouses[warehouseNumber].WarehouseCode).parent()[0].remove(); } } } } } if (HideEmptyWarehouses() == true) { if (mainProduct.Warehouses.length != warehouseList.length) { for (var warehouseNumber = 1; warehouseNumber < warehouseList.length; warehouseNumber++) { $("#Warehouserow" + warehouseNumber).hide() } } } } else { if ($("#WarehouseList")[0] !== undefined) { $("#WarehouseList")[0].style = 'display:none'; } if ($("#asyncQuantityOnHand")[0] !== undefined) { $("#asyncQuantityOnHand")[0].style = ''; } if ($("#asyncNetworkQuantity")[0] !== undefined) { $("#asyncNetworkQuantity")[0].style = ''; } } for (var i = 0; i < productInformation.Products.length; i++) { console.log('price' + productInformation.Products[i].Price) try { if (i === 0 && productInformation.Products[i].ShowCart == false) { $("[id='main.cart-btn']").prop('disabled', true); } else if (i === 0 && productInformation.Products[i].ShowCart == true) { $("[id='main.cart-btn']").prop('disabled', false); } else if (productInformation.Products[i].ShowCart == false) { let partNumber = productInformation.Products[i].Product; $("input[name^='SKU']").filter(`input[value="${partNumber}"]`).parent().children().filter("button").prop('disabled', true); } if (EnableRelatedItemsQtyOnHand() == true) { if (i > 0) { let partNumber = productInformation.Products[i].Product; let qohElement = $("input[name^='SKU']").filter(`input[value="${partNumber}"]`).parent().children().find("span[id$=rpQuantityOnHand]"); if (qohElement.length > 0) { let qoh = productInformation.Products[i].QuantityOnHandStockMessage; qohElement.text(qoh) } } } //$('#Price' + productInformation.Products[i].Product).html('$' + productInformation.Products[i].Price.toFixed(2)); UpdateProductDisplay(productInformation.Products[i]); } catch (err) { } } updateMainProductDisplay(mainProduct); } function updateMainProductDisplay(product) { if (product.MiniumPurchaseQty > 1) { var qty = document.getElementsByName('QTY0')[1] var minpurchasequantity = Math.ceil((product.MiniumPurchaseQty)); console.log(minpurchasequantity); qty.value = minpurchasequantity; qty.min = minpurchasequantity; } if (IsSmalley() == true) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price); } else { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces)); } if (ShowCombinedInventoryMessage() == true) { $("[id='main.combined.inventory.message']").html(product.CombinedQuantityStockMessage); } if (product.ShowPrice == true) { $(".price-row").show(); if (IsSmalley() == true) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price); } else { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces)); } if (ShowBasePrice() == true) { if (product.BasePrice > 0) { $("[id='BasePrice']").html('$' + product.BasePrice.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces)); $("#basepricerow2").show(); } } } if (product.ShowPrice == true) { $(".price-row").show(); if (IsSmalley() == true) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price); } else { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces)); } if (product.MinimumPurchasePrice > 0) { $("[id='MinimumPurchasePrice']").html('$' + product.MinimumPurchasePrice.toFixed(2)); $("#basepricerow3").show(); } } else if (product.ShowPrice == false) { if (product.PriceMessage != '') { $(".price-row").show(); $("[id='main.price.text']").html(product.PriceMessage); } else { $(".price-row").hide(); } } if (product.PricePerUnitSize > 0) { if (product.UnitOfMeasure.toLowerCase() === 'ea') { $("[id='pricePerUnitSize']").html(''); } else { $("[id='pricePerUnitSize']").html(product.PricePerUnitSizeMessage); } } if (product.ShowCart == false) { $("[id='main.cart-btn']").hide(); } if ($("#divQtyPickerUom").length > 0 && product.UnitOfMeasure !== '') { $("#qtyPickerUom")[0].innerText = product.UnitOfMeasure; } if ((product.UnitOfMeasure != '') && (product.ShowPrice == true)) { $(".price-row").show(); if (IsHalron() == true && LoggedIn() == true) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html(product.PriceMessage); } else if (IsHalron() == true && LoggedIn() == false) { if (product.Price > 0) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(2) + '/' + product.UnitOfMeasure); } else { $("[id='main.price.text']").html(product.PriceMessage); $(".price-box").remove(); } } else { if (product.UnitOfMeasure != null && HidePriceFieldUOM() == false) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces) + '/' + product.UnitOfMeasure); } else { if (IsSmalley() == true) { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price); } else { $("[id='main.price.text']").html('$' + product.Price.toFixed(product.PriceDecimalPlaces)); } } } } var size = 1; if (IsCUI() == true || $("[id='mainvalue-List Price']").length > 0) { if (product.BasePrice > 0) { $("[id='mainvalue-List Price']").html('$' + product.BasePrice.toFixed(2)); } else { $("[id='mainvalue-List Price']").html("") } } for (i = 0; i < product.Warehouses.length; i++) { $('#' + product.Warehouses[i].WarehouseName + 'Value').html(product.Warehouses[i].Quantity); } if (document.getElementById('UOM0') !== null) { $('#UOM0').empty(); if (product.UnitOfMeasures != null) { updateUOMList(product); let uomMatch = product.UnitOfMeasures.find(function (uom) { return uom.Name == product.UnitOfMeasure });if (uomMatch !== undefined) {size = uomMatch.Size;} } $("[id='UOM0']").prop('disabled', false); } updatePriceBreaks(product,size); if (PreventOrderOverMaximum() == true) { var quantitySelectExists; $("#QTY0 > option").each(function () { if (parseFloat(this.text) > Math.min(product.MaximumQuantity, product.QuantityOnHand)) { this.remove(); } else { quantitySelectExists = true; } }); if (quantitySelectExists == false || product.QuantityOnHand == 0) { $('.qty-select').empty(); $('.qty-select').append('

'); $("[id='main.cart-btn']").prop("disabled", true); } } hideLoading(); } function warehouseproductdetailserror(response) { console.log(response.Data); } function GetOutOfStockMessage(message) { if (message == null) { message = "Out of Stock"; } else if (message.length == 0) { message = "Out of Stock"; } return message; } function productdetailssuccess(detailsresponse) { console.log(detailsresponse); var response = detailsresponse.Data; var size = 1; if (response.Products[0].Price > 0) { let productUom = (response.Products[0].UnitOfMeasure !== null) ? response.Products[0].UnitOfMeasure : ''; $("[id='main.price.text']").html("$" + response.Products[0].Price.toFixed(2) + ' ' + productUom); } updateMainProductDisplay(response.Products[0]); enableCartButtons();} function updatePriceBreaks(product,size) { if (product.PriceBreaks.length <= 1) { $('#qtybrkTable').hide(); } else { var myClone = $("#qtybrkrow").clone(); $('.qtybrk-row').remove(); $('#qtybrkTable').show(); for (i = 0; i < product.PriceBreaks.length; i++) { if ((product.PriceBreaks[i].StartingQuantity / size) >= 1) { var newClone = myClone.clone(); if (useStartingQuantityPriceBreak() == true) { newClone.find("#priceBrkLabel").html('Buy ' + product.PriceBreaks[i].StartingQuantity / size + ' and more'); } else { newClone.find("#priceBrkLabel").html('Buy ' + product.PriceBreaks[i].EndingQuantity / size + ' and more'); } newClone.find("#priceBrk").html('$' + (product.PriceBreaks[i].Price * size).toFixed(2)); $("#qtybrkTable").append(newClone) }} } } function updateUOMList(product) { $("#uomUnitSizes").val(""); for (i = 0; i < product.UnitOfMeasures.length; i++) { let price = product.UnitOfMeasures[i].Price let priceText = (price != null && price.length > 0) ? '-' + '$' + price.toFixed(2) : ''; if (product.UnitOfMeasures[i].Name == product.UnitOfMeasure) { $('#UOM0').append($('

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5534

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.