Where Was Meet The Spartans (2008) Filmed

1. Meet the Spartans (Film, 2008) - MovieMeter.nl

  • De film duurt net een uurtje, daarna volgt een aftiteling van ruim een kwartier. Meet The Spartans is op de Amerikaanse markt gericht met verwijzingen naar ...

  • Komedie film geregisseerd door Jason Friedberg en Aaron Seltzer. Met Kevin Sorbo, Carmen Electra en Sean Maguire.

Meet the Spartans (Film, 2008) - MovieMeter.nl

2. Meet the Spartans - TrosKompas

  • Meet the Spartans (2008) ; Rating. 1 ; Cast: Sean Maguire, Kevin Sorbo, Carmen Electra, Nicole Parker, Travis van Winkle ; Regisseur: Jason Friedberg, Aaron ...

  • De makers van ‘Meet the Spartans’ hebben de twijfelachtige eer met meerdere films in de Top 250 van slechtste films op de toonaangevende filmsite IMDb te staan. Hun ‘Scary movie’, ‘Epic movie’ en ‘...

Meet the Spartans - TrosKompas

3. Meet the Spartans (2008) - FilmTotaal

  • Komedie uit Verenigde Staten. Regie Jason Friedberg. Komedie van de schrijvers van onder andere Scary Movie en Epic Movie, waarin dit keer onder meer de ...

  • Komedie uit Verenigde Staten. Regie Jason Friedberg. Komedie van de schrijvers van onder andere Scary Movie en Epic Movie, waarin dit keer onder meer de spektakelfilm 300 op de hak wordt genomen.

4. Kijk Meet the Spartans - meJane.com

  • Gestart in 2007 is meJane de eerste filmaanbieder in Belgie en Nederland. meJane is inmiddels een bekend online filmplatform voor filmliefhebbers op zoek naar ...

  • De strijd begint wanneer de heldhaftige Leonidas, gewapend met zijn leren ondergoed en een cape, de leiding neemt over een groep van 13 krankzinnige krijgers. Ze willen hun vaderland beschermen tegen de binnenvallende Perzen, die Rocky Balboa, de Transformers en zelfs Paris Hilton in hun leger hebben!

Kijk Meet the Spartans - meJane.com

5. Meet the Spartans | Rotten Tomatoes

  • A tired, unfunny, offensive waste of time, Meet the Spartans scrapes the bottom of the cinematic barrel.

  • When Xerxes (Ken Davitian), the evil god king of Persia, sends his massive army to Sparta, King Leonidas (Sean Maguire) and 13 strapping warriors rise up to defend their homeland. Leonidas, Captain (Kevin Sorbo) and the rest face down dancing Persians, bad punch-lines and celebrity look-alikes.

Meet the Spartans | Rotten Tomatoes

6. Meet the Spartans (Film, 2008) - MovieMeter.nl

Meet the Spartans (Film, 2008) - MovieMeter.nl

7. Film Information: Meet the Spartans (2008) - Warwick Student Cinema

  • Schedules and information for Warwick Student Cinema: the student-run cinema at the University of Warwick in Coventry, presented by the Film Society.

  • Schedules and information for Warwick Student Cinema: the student-run cinema at the University of Warwick in Coventry, presented by the Film Society. Students, staff and members of the public all welcome.

8. Meet the Spartans (2008) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing but leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of thirteen Spartans to defend their homeland against the ...

  • The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing but leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of thirteen Spartans to defend their homeland against the invading Persians (whose ranks include Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Transformers, and a hunchbacked Paris Hilton). No one is safe when the Spartans take on the biggest icons in pop culture!

Meet the Spartans (2008) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

9. Meet the Spartans (2008) - Humane Hollywood

  • Dogs. A man carries a dog in his arms, sets him down, and commands him to bite Leonidas' private parts. The actors were introduced to the dog before filming ...

  • In this spoof that references a slew of pop culture people and events, Captain Leonidas (Kevin Sorbo) and his men must fight the Persians in a parody of the film "300."

Meet the Spartans (2008) - Humane Hollywood

10. Meet the Spartans | Moviepedia - Fandom

  • Meet the Spartans is a 2008 American parody film directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. It is mainly a parody of the 2007 film 300, although it also ...

  • Meet the Spartans is a 2008 American parody film directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. It is mainly a parody of the 2007 film 300, although it also references many other films, TV shows, people and pop cultural events of the time, in a manner similar to previous films that Friedberg and Seltzer had been involved in such as Scary Movie, Date Movie and Epic Movie. The film stars Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra and Kevin Sorbo. Meet the Spartans opened at #1 in the United States and was a box

Meet the Spartans | Moviepedia - Fandom

11. Meet the Spartans (2008) - Filmaffinity

  • Meet the Spartans is a film directed by Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer with Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitian, Kevin Sorbo, Diedrich Bader .

  • Genre: Comedy | Synopsis: A spoof of "300" in the same vein as "Epic Movie" and "Date Movie." The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing by leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of 13 - count 'em, 13! -- Spartans to ...

Meet the Spartans (2008) - Filmaffinity

12. Meet the Spartans (film, 2008) - FilmVandaag.nl

  • Beoordelingen · z. zerky 6 · jotofilm 5 · orthrus 3 · T. Thematrix 7 · Ahch9ohseeng 1 · t. tbouwh 1 · L. LordPalf 6 · M. MrMagnetron 3.

  • Parodie op de film 300. De Spartaanse strijders meoten een oorlog uitvechten met het grote Perzische leger. In deze film wordt de andere kant van het…

Meet the Spartans (film, 2008) - FilmVandaag.nl

13. Meet the Spartans - Filmbox.nl

  • Meet the Spartans. | 01:20:08 | 2008 | VS. Genre: Komedie. Regisseur: Jason Friedberg,Aaron Seltzer. Cast: Carmen Elektra, Kevin Sorbo, Ken Davitian. Sparta ...

  • Sparta krijgt het leger van de koning Xerxes van Perzië (Ken Davitian) tegen zich nadat koning Leonidas (Sean Maguire) diens boodschapper de Put van de Dood inschopt. Het leger van Leonidas zou uit 300 mannen moeten bestaan, maar hij heeft er maar dertien. De rest kwamen niet door de strenge selectie heen om in zijn […]

Meet the Spartans - Filmbox.nl

14. Meet the Spartans 2008 DVD - LastDodo

  • Meet the Spartans. 2008. DVD. Meet the Spartans · DVD · 2008 · DVD · Meet the Spartans · DVD.

  • Meet the Spartans DVD uit 2008 kopen, verkopen of verzamelen? Beheer je DVD verzameling in de catalogus op LastDodo.

Meet the Spartans 2008 DVD - LastDodo

15. Meet the Spartans (2008) - Box Office Mojo

  • Meet the Spartans (2008). A spoof of 300 and many other movies, TV series/shows/commercials, video games and celebrities. King Leonidas of Sparta and his ...

Meet the Spartans (2008) - Box Office Mojo

16. Trailer Meet the Spartans (2008) | Video op FilmTotaal

  • Duur: 2:14Geplaatst: 13 feb 2016

  • Bekijk de trailer van de film Meet the Spartans uit 2008 in hoge resolutie.

17. Meet the Spartans (2008) | Rent or buy on DVD at AroVideo

  • Close Relatives. Epic Movie (2007); Onion Movie, The (2008). Scary Movie (2000). Meet the Spartans cover. Add this film to My Wishlist Find out more (opens in a ...

  • Mind-numbing parody flick taking pot-shots at recent box-office hits and tragic celebs, ranging from the epic 300 to a knickerless Britney Spears. A repetitive lame duck comedy from a genre that should have thrown in the towel ten movies ago. Rent or buy from AroVideo.

Meet the Spartans (2008) | Rent or buy on DVD at AroVideo

18. Meet the Spartans (2008) recensie, Friedberg & Seltzer - Cinemagazine

  • Recensie Meet the Spartans (2008), een film van Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer met Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitian, Kevin Sorbo.

  • Recensie Meet the Spartans (2008), een film van Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer met Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitian, Kevin Sorbo

19. Meet the Spartans - Apple TV

  • Meet the Spartans. Comedy 2008 1 hr 24 min. Available on Plex. From 2 of the 6 writers of Scary Movie comes this tongue-in-cheek parody of ...

  • From 2 of the 6 writers of Scary Movie comes this tongue-in-cheek parody of the sword-and-sandal epics. The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing but le…

Meet the Spartans - Apple TV

20. Meet the Spartans | Det Danske Filminstitut

  • Meet the Spartans. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer, USA, 2008. 85 min.U/Spillefilm. Denne komedie er en spoof over filmen 300. Den heroiske Leonidas, kun ...

  • Denne komedie er en spoof over filmen 300. Den heroiske Leonidas, kun bevæbnet med læderundertøj og en kappe, leder en pøbel på 13 spartanere for at forsvare deres hjemland mod perserne. Der bliver kæmpet, sunget og danset, bl.a. med henvisninger til Shrek 3, Ghost Rider, Rocky, Borat, The Tra

21. Meet The Spartans (DVD) (2008) - iMusic

  • Writers/producers/directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (DATE MOVIE, EPIC MOVIE) use the film 300 as the basis for this spoof film.

  • Writers/producers/directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (DATE MOVIE, EPIC MOVIE) use the film 300 as the basis for this spoof film. Born to be the perfect Spartan, Leonidas (Sean Maguire, EASTENDERS) faces numerous trials en route to becoming a man, including a face-off with the penguin from HAPPY FEET. Once he has proven himself, Leonidas not only becomes king, but also marries the phenomenally attractive (and slightly loose) Margot (Carmen Electra, BAYWATCH). When Leonidas learns that Persia's King Xerxes (Ken Davitian, BORAT) plans to make Sparta his own, he has his captain (Kevin Sorbo, HERCULES) recruit Sparta's finest and prepare them for battle against invading Persian forces. Unfortunately, that amounts to only 13 half-naked men with painted-on abs who literally prance to their destination. To make matters worse, Spartan councilman Traitoro (Diedrich Bader) is, well, a traitor. Still, Leonidas and his men face their enemy in battle, riffing on STOMP THE YARD, GHOST RIDER, TRANSFORMERS, and numerous other films along the way, as well as the video game GRAND THEFT AUTO.Freidberg and Seltzer poke fun at virtually every cultural phenomenon in the mid-to-late 2000s and pop culture personality, including Britney Spears, Kevin Federline, Paris Hilton, DANCING WITH THE STARS, AMERICAN IDOL, and DEAL OR NO DEAL. Even UGLY BETTY makes an appearance. Be prepared for an abundance of gross-out humour, spurts of bodily fluids, some sexual innuendo, and multiple jokes about ho...

Meet The Spartans (DVD) (2008) - iMusic
Where Was Meet The Spartans (2008) Filmed
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.