Oblivion Vilja (2025)

1. Companion Vilja at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community

  • Posts 7029 · Files 31 · Videos 20 · Images 670

  • The young nord alchemist Vilja has her own mission in Cyrodiil - but she needs your help! Will you let her tag along? Will you let your Cyrodiil life be changed by a talkative, curious and unpredi

Companion Vilja at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community

2. Vilja - Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki

  • 25 sep 2020 · Vilja is a fan Mod for the PC version of the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, created by Emma and CDCooley.

  • Companion Vilja is a fan Mod for the PC version of the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, created by Emma and CDCooley.

3. Cant find Vilja! - Emma's Elder Scrolls Forum - ProBoards

  • Meer resultaten van emmates.proboards.com

  • Hi, I was really excited about getting the Vilja companion but I can't seem to find her in the waterfront boat tavern. :'( Do you think ive just installed her incorrectly or is there s

4. Companion Vilja at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community

Companion Vilja at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community

5. The story behind the Oblivion mod Terry Pratchett worked on

  • 31 jan 2019 · Emma sought to create a companion for herself. This resulted in the creation of Vilja, a Nord alchemist designed to keep Emma company as she traversed the ...

  • Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.

The story behind the Oblivion mod Terry Pratchett worked on

6. [RELZ] Companion Vilja - Oblivion Mods - TES Alliance

  • 27 dec 2009 · Vilja is a young nord girl, born in Solstheim and living in Cyrodiil since... well, that she will explain to you, herself, when she knows you better!

  • COMPANION VILJA - ver 1.0 Download Vilja in swedish means willpower, guts, determination. And that is something Vilja has got lots of! When her sister was put in prison on bread and water for selling beauty creme with unexpected effects to the Vvardenfell nobility, Vilja instantly decided to help...

7. Companion Vilja - version 4.0 - ReadMe

  • Although I - Emma - have made several companion mods for Morrowind, Vilja is my first companion mod for Oblivion. When I had played through the game for the ...

  • Companion Vilja version 4

8. [RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.1 - thread no 4 : IV - Oblivion

  • - Vilja's level is set to 3 levels below yours. This means that if you start out with her when you are at level 1, it will take a while before she reaches ...

  • Wow, I find it quite amazing that I'm actually starting thread no 4... Who would have thought that an upgrade of a companion mod would ...

9. [RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 3 - Oblivion Mods - TES Alliance

  • 12 dec 2010 · - Vilja is very talkative and will chat with you wherever you go. However, the lipsync in Oblivion only works when you are facing the talking ...

  • COMPANION VILJA VER 3.0 - by Emma and CDCooley -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Technically, Vilja is just a companion. But that...

10. Oblivion Mod:The Oblivion Quest List/Companion Quests

  • ... Vilja, which is fully voiced with over 5000 lines of dialogue. It also includes optional romance and multiple story lines to keep the player occupied. Vilja ...

  • Open main menu

11. Ingredient Shopping With Vilja at Oblivion Nexus

  • Duur: 12:18Geplaatst: 12 aug 2023

  • Vilja and I go ingredient shopping. Details in video descriptionSome mods used:Bevilex Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47591Monkey ENB: https://www.n...

Ingredient Shopping With Vilja at Oblivion Nexus

12. [RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.2 - thread no 5 : IV - Oblivion - Page 3

  • Bring Vilja to a safe interior, leave her there for +72 game hours. When you return to her, all kind of weird effects tend to be gone. Now, if she stops ...

  • Personally I can't stand pop-up messages though. Which is probably why I didn't think about making one for her. I hate it when the game ...

13. Vilja - AlChestBreach Wiki - Fandom

  • Vilja is a companion found in the mod Vilja for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. She is comparable to Willow in Fallout: New Vegas as she seems to discard her ...

  • Vilja is a companion found in the mod Vilja for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. She is comparable to Willow in Fallout: New Vegas as she seems to discard her clothing often, rendering her naked, which annoys Al greatly. Vilja first appeared in the video Vilja -Part 1, in which Al was showcasing her. Al and his companions then take a shortcut through a river, and to Al's surprise, Vilja had discarded her clothing items, only to have them re-appear when she emerged from the water. This happened a few

Vilja - AlChestBreach Wiki - Fandom

14. Vilja - Facebook

  • Vilja. 477 likes. Her great-great-grandmother made success in Oblivion. Now the great-great-granddaughter is ready to.

  • ראה/ראי פוסטים, תמונות ועוד בפייסבוק.

15. User:Vilja Moonblood - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

  • 1 aug 2024 · User:Vilja Moonblood ... This user lives in Skyrim: The Rift. This user dislikes Skyrim: Thalmor. This user dislikes players who kill Skyrim: ...

Oblivion Vilja (2025)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.